Friday, September 23, 2011

Fri! #4/Black Up

Black Up by Shabazz Palaces
Released: June 28, 2011

Rating: 87%

1. Free Press and Curl*
2. Echo from the Hosts That Profess Infinitum
3. Are You... Can You... Were You? (Felt)*
4. A Treatease Dedicated to the Avian Airess from Northeast Nubis (1000 Questions, 1 Answer)*
5. Youlogy
6. Endeavors for Never (The Last Time We Spoke You Said You Were Not Here, I Saw You Though.)
7. Recollection of the Wraith
8. King's New Clothes Were Made By His Own Hands
9. Yeah You
10. Swerve... The Reeping of All That is Worthwhile (Noir Not Withstanding)

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