Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tue. #3/Geogaddi

Geogaddi by Boards of Canada
Released: February 19th, 2012

Rating: 93%

1. Ready Lets Go
2. Music is Math*
3. Beware the Friendly Stranger
4. Gyroscope
5. Dandelion*
6. Sunshine Recorder
7. In the Annexe
8. Julie and Candy*
9. The Smallest Weird Number
10. 1969*
11. Energy Warning
12. The Beach at Redpoint
13. Opening the Mouth
14. Alpha and Omega
15. I Saw Drones
16. The Devil is in the Details
17. A is to B is to C
18. Over the Horizon Radar*
19. Dawn Chorus*
20. Diving Station
21. You Could Feel the Sky
22. Corsair
23. Magic Window

Japanese bonus track
24. From One Source All Things Depend

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