Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thu. #2/IOTDXI

IOTDXI by Various Artists
"A compilation of seminal singles and new materials from R&S records"
Released: October 31st, 2011

Rating: 85%

Disc 1
1. Safehouses -- by Pariah
2. OFI (Bullion's Interface Mix) -- by Model 500
3. Lostwithiel* -- by The Chain
4. Coreshine Voodoo* -- by Lone
5. CMYK* -- by James Blake
6. Orpheus -- by Pariah
7. Stereofreeze -- by Untold
8. I Only Know (What I Know Now)* -- by James Blake
9. Lions on the Beach -- by Cloud Boat
10. Bohla -- by Blawan
11. Transatlantic Landing Bay* -- by Space Dimension Controller
12. Camels -- by Vondelpark

Disc 2
1. The Birth of a Feeling -- by Space Dimension Controller
2. Cobra* -- by Lone
3. Shader* -- by Blawan
4. Left Unsaid -- by Pariah
5. Ralph -- by Bullion
6. Tarry* -- by Klaus
7. U-29 -- by Untold
8. Suffer for Your Art* -- by The Chain
9. Orpheus (Oneohtrix Point Never Subliminal Cops Edit) -- by Pariah
10. Lightmeters -- Airhead

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